Hotel Hisarlık is located right at the entrance of Troy and at the edge of the Turkish village of Hisarlık (Tevfikiye). HISARLIK village, where the hotel stands, takes its name from the site, which means "old ruins" or "old fortress". Three Trojan brothers from this village run the hotel. It takes only 3 or 5 minutes to walk to the excavations from the hotel.
Traveling by Bus
Frequent minibuses from Çanakkale to Troy will bring you to our front door.
Traveling by Car
If you are coming from Istanbul, drive towards Izmir. 25 km after Canakkale, look out for the TROY JUNCTION with a sign saying "TROIA 5 km", and turn right.
If you are coming from the south, 20 km after the town of Ezine you come to the same junction. Driving left from the highway, in less than 5 minutes you will be in front of our hotel, at the end of the road.
When you leave, we will explain how you can easily travel to the surroundings of Troy, Assos, Alexandria Troas, or elsewhere.